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Dear Parents, Students and Friends
I begin this newsletter by sharing my insights from our recent Staff Spirituality Day with Fr Rob Galea. Following his input, I found myself googling him with intrigue and began reading his book, Breakthrough.
Fr Rob writes,
‘Before I was on The X Factor Australia, before I performed for a pope … I was an alienated, messed-up teenager.’
The story of Fr Rob Galea is a journey from desperation to hope. Struggling under the weight of addiction and depression, Fr Rob was considering ending his life when redemption came through a phone call. Knowing that he needed help, Fr Rob fought his demons to forge a relationship with Jesus Christ and has never looked back.
Breakthrough asks you to find your way through adversity to the better life that awaits you. It’s a powerful story about recovery, redemption and faith, and is told by one of the most charismatic priests of our time.
I think the takeaway from Fr Rob’s input is that we are all responsible for filling up our own cup. If we have nothing else left to give, then it is our personal responsibility to do something about this. Instead of scattering shard (ie. negative comments/attitude that can creep in and cause damage) when our cup is not overflowing, we reflect on our own behaviour and wellbeing, rather than imposing our negativity onto others. I see this often in human behaviour. If you are not performing at your best, this is not someone else’s issue. It’s time to reflect and do things differently. Self-awareness is one of the most important qualities to have and it is very evident when a person lacks this. At Carroll, we commit to ‘being more’ for one another in our workplace each day. Fr Rob’s message is a powerful one and prompts deep reflection on what is important and within our control.
“…I am still in many ways a mess, but I stand and hold onto a God who is always ready and able to turn this mess into a message.” Fr Rob Galea
Staffing News
I am taking Long Service Leave (LSL) for three weeks from Friday, Week 7 (21 March) through to the end of Term 1 (11 April). During this period, Mr Andrew Kenneally with be Principal (Acting) in my absence. Mrs Linda Dwyer will be stepping into Mr Kenneally’s position as Assistant Principal - Learning, Curriculum and Innovation (Acting), and Mrs Catherine Davis will step into the role of HSIE Coordinator (Acting) for these sixteen days. I sincerely thank these colleagues for stepping into these senior roles to support the executive in my absence and I wish them well.
Catholic Leaders’ Retreat
Last week, Principals from across the Archdiocese gathered in Bowral for four days as part of the annual Catholic Leaders’ Retreat. The Retreat was facilitated by Clara Geoghean and centred on Charisms and Leadership in the Jubilee Year of Hope. During this time, participants were invited into deep reflection on how to recognise their charisms and the charisms of others. The retreat provided opportunities for stillness, silence, and discernment of how leaders utilise the charism gifted to each of them.
Charism may be a term of which you are unfamiliar. In Christian tradition, a “charism” refers to a special spiritual gift or grace given by the Holy Spirit, intended for the good of the community. You may be thinking, what are examples of charisms and why are they important? All people have charisms. These are ordinary gifts that become extraordinary as individuals recognise their gifts and use them for the benefit of others. Individuals can have a charism of encouragement, giving, hospitality, music, service, teaching, leadership, faith, wisdom, writing, mercy, administration, knowledge, giving… to name some examples.
Knowing our gifts enables us to avoid
- ineffectiveness and frustration
- setting ourselves up to fail
- burn out
Knowing our charisms makes it easier to
- make decisions
- avoid judging others
- reduce conflicts
Leaders completed an inventory to discover their top five charisms. Interestingly mine are administration, encouragement, healing, leadership and mercy.
Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
Catholic Education Canberra and Goulburn has a strong commitment to nurturing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and teachers, to meet their God-given potential through Faith in Learning empowering them to shape their future. We are very proud of our programs and offerings at Carroll College and commit ourselves to the education and wellbeing of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The following eight principles underpin the approach taken to respond to the broader aspirations of students and their families.
School Community Council
The School Community Council executive met on Tuesday evening for the first time this year. I thank our staff and parent representatives for their commitment to the Council. Our Council members for 2025 are:
- Russell Allen - Chair
- Judy Toman - Deputy Chair
- Gary Bruce
- Maree Turnbull
- Jennifer Hornby
- Joshua Nguyen (College Captain) / Archie Cockram (Vice Captain)
- Emily Borg (College Captain) / Erin Drewsen (Vice Captain)
- Dalys Whipp
- Louise Ibbett
- Andrew Kenneally
- Linda Dwyer
- Elise Paull
- Fr George Azhakath
Pope Francis: Lent calls us to journey together in hope
In his Message for Lent 2025, Pope Francis invites the faithful to “journey together in hope," and to take the opportunity during this Lenten Season to ask ourselves whether we are truly willing to heed God's call to change our lives.
The central theme of Pope Francis’ Lenten Message is encapsulated in the phrase "Let us journey together in hope," which ties into the broader theme of the Jubilee Year - "Pilgrims of Hope."
The Pope's reflection focuses on conversion and unfolds in three key dimensions: the importance of journeying, journeying together, and journeying with hope.
Our life of faith is a journey of conversion.
Best wishes for the remainder of the term. Next Wednesday and Thursday, I will be in Melbourne attending a leadership program called 6R Leadership Program for Experienced Catholic School Principals facilitated by the Brown Collective. Mrs Jo Wain, Principal of St Mary’s, Moruya and I, along with seven other Principals from our Archdiocese will be involved in this year-long program.
With respect and encouragement to you.
Mrs Jacqueline Heffernan
“The Holy Spirit reminds us first and foremost that we are children loved by God –
everyone equal in God’s love, and everyone different.” (Pope Francis)
As we enter the sacred season of Lent, we are reminded of the importance of reflection, renewal, and spiritual growth. The first week of Lent has offered us opportunities to pause, reconnect with our faith, and strengthen our community bonds through prayer, fasting, and acts of charity.
We are especially proud of our Youth Ministry group, whose members enthusiastically led the 'Journey with Jesus' retreat for Year 6 students from St Bernard’s and St Mary’s last week. The day was filled with thoughtful reflections, engaging activities, and meaningful conversations, guiding our younger students to deepen their relationship with Christ and to understand the profound journey of Lent. The leadership and dedication shown by our Youth Ministry is a true testament to their faith and commitment to our school community.
Our school was also deeply inspired by Father Rob Galea on our annual Staff Spirituality Day. His words left a powerful impact on staff, and his vibrant presence and heartfelt messages challenged and motivated us to live our faith authentically and passionately. His music and words continue to echo in our hearts, encouraging us to embrace the journey of Lent with courage and joy.
To learn more about Father Rob’s inspiring work or to support this meaningful cause, please visit
The College will be supporting Project Compassion over the coming weeks. Thank you so much for your support of this initiative thus far. SLT members will be selling raffle tickets from the canteen window each AM break for the remainder of the term, and will also be visiting Homerooms in the morning to continue to raise awareness for Caritas.
Finally, please see below for communication regarding Reconciliation at St Bernard’s church.
Date: 8th April
Time: 5 pm - (until as long as is required)
Confessors: Fr Rex Curry and Fr Eden Langlands
The sixteen children making First Reconciliation will start at 5 pm.
The First Rite (regular Confession), will then be offered for as long as is required.
Everyone is most welcome!
Mrs Anna Smart
Religious Education Coordinator
Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care
Happy International Women’s Day 8 March 2025
The IWD 2025 campaign theme is 'Accelerate Action'.
Fact file - Collectively, we can Accelerate Action for gender equality. According to data from the World Economic Forum at the current rate of progress, it will take until 2158, which is roughly five generations from now, to reach full gender parity.
The Accelerate Action theme emphasizes the importance of taking swift and decisive steps to achieve gender equality. It calls for increased momentum and urgency in addressing the systemic barriers and biases that women face, both in personal and professional spheres.
The focus is to Accelerate Action to speed up the rate of progress worldwide.
Year 7 and Year 11 Peer Support Camp
Our Year 7 and Year 11 students along with staff had a wonderful experience on camp last week. Lake Tabourie was the perfect setting with weather to match. We hope that new relationships have been forged not only between Year 7 but also with the Year 11 peer support leaders who did an outstanding job supporting our youngest students. Thank you to Ms Boller for her wonderful organisation supported by our staff who generously gave up their time to ensure this event was successful for our students.
Academic Care Week 6
The activities for the Academic Care period are listed below.
Year 7 - Wellio - ‘From Strangers to Friends’
Year 8 - Wellio – ‘Instagram V Reality’
Year 9 – Whole year group college photo
Year 10 – Wellio - ‘Social Media Addiction’
Year 11 – Carroll Day preparation
Year 12 – Meeting to review Assessment @ Carroll and Careers information.
Communication reminder
Carroll College values the strong relationship we have with our parents and carers. We strive to share important information about the progress and behaviour of students so we can work together. We appreciate the support we receive. Parents and carers are encouraged to reach out to the Pastoral team if there is any change for their child that we need to be aware of to assist them whilst at school.
Kind regards
Mrs Louise Ibbett
Assistant Principal – Pastoral Care
Assistant Principal - Curriculum, Learning and Innovation

Dear Carroll Community,
Last year we launched the Assessment @ Carroll website. This website has been designed for both parents and students. Student assessment handbooks and schedules are easily assessible. We have provided a term-by-term overview of all summative assessments for each year level, and I encourage families to print this page off and place it on the fridge for everyone to see. Students will have the opportunity to unpack the website in the coming weeks in Academic Care.
I refer you to the “Illness/Misadventure” online application on the website. This feature will be explained to students throughout the term so they are aware of the requirements. Students may be eligible for illness/misadventure if, immediately prior to, or during an assessment task, an unforeseen or beyond a student’s control, illness or misadventure occurs. If a student is eligible for illness/misadventure then the student must contact the Assistant Principal (Curriculum, Learning and Improvement) or the appropriate KLA Leader immediately and have ready (where possible) independent evidence to support their application (e.g. medical certificate, police report, hospital admission form, etc).
The digital illness/misadventure form must be completed and submitted within 48 hours of the illness/misadventure. The Assistant Principal (Curriculum, Learning and Improvement) will then determine if the application is successful. Students who are absent during an examination period must also contact the KLA Leader on the morning of the missed examination. Students can access this form on the home page of the Assessment @ Carroll website. Please save this website to your bookmark folder for future reference.
This week, I would like to share the benefits of exercise for students. Exercise is beneficial for students for several reasons, impacting both their physical and mental well-being, and helping them become better learners! Here are some areas where exercise can make a difference, especially as a brain-boosting activity:
- Enhanced Memory and Learning: Exercise has been linked to improved memory and cognitive function. It may also help with concentration and focus, which are crucial for academic performance.
- Brain Health: Physical activity stimulates the release of chemicals that promote the growth of brain cells, supporting overall brain health.
- Establishes Routine: Incorporating exercise into a daily or weekly routine helps students develop discipline and time management skills.
- Improves Cardiovascular Health: Regular exercise helps strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
- Enhances Muscle and Bone Health: Weight-bearing exercises contribute to the development of strong muscles and bones, promoting overall physical strength and resilience.
- Better Sleep: Regular exercise can help regulate sleep patterns, leading to improved quality and duration of sleep.
- Stress Reduction: Exercise is known to reduce stress by increasing the production of endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters.
- Anxiety and Depression: Physical activity has been shown to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, improving overall mental health.
- Sense of Achievement: Setting and achieving fitness goals can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost self-worth.
- Team Sports and Leadership: Participating in team sports or group exercises fosters social skills, teamwork, and cooperation. It also provides an opportunity for students to develop leadership qualities.
- Opportunities for Socialising: Participating in sports or group exercises provides opportunities for students to make new friends and strengthen existing relationships.
- Promotes Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Engaging in physical activity encourages other healthy habits, such as maintaining a balanced diet and interacting with other healthy like-minded people.
Enjoy the weekend!
Mr Andrew Kenneally
Assistant Principal - Curriculum, Learning and Innovation
Parent Teacher Evenings
Our Parent-Teacher evenings will be held on Tuesday 18 March and Tuesday 25 March from 3.30pm – 7.00pm at the College.
To make a booking for your child(ren), parents will need to log in to the Sentral App. Parents can book interviews on either or both evenings. We encourage students to attend the interview so that we can work in partnership to achieve the best outcomes for your child.
Please note that the booking portal for Tuesday 18 March will close on Monday, March 17th at 11:00 am.
A BBQ sausage sizzle will be available on the evenings at the front of the HUB from 3.30 pm - 6.30 pm. You can purchase a sausage sandwich for $2.00 and a drink for $1.00.
Years 7 and 9 NAPLAN tests
The NAPLAN tests continue next week. Below is a copy of the test timetable.
Catch-up sessions will be held throughout the fortnight for students who are absent.
Important NAPLAN Information
- All students will complete the tests on their own devices in the Hall. Student will move to the Hall at the start of the scheduled test period.
- All students are required to bring their own plug-in headphones.
- Students will need a pen during the numeracy test. We will supply working out paper.
- Students with Chromebooks will complete the test in C3 on a school desktop.
NSW School Vaccination Program
Year 10 immunisations will take place on Wednesday 19 March. NSW Health will be at the College to administer the vaccinations. Parents/carers will need to consent to their child's vaccination through the Service NSW site - 'online consent portal' or by completing a paper consent form.
If you have questions regarding the school immunisation program, please contact the Public Health Unit.
School Photos – late orders
School photo day was held on Tuesday 11 March. Parents can still use the online ordering system to purchase photos after photo day. Simply visit The School Photographer website There is no need to return the envelope if you order online after photo day. ALL students are photographed on the day so families will not miss out. If orders are made within 3 weeks of photo day, the photos will be delivered to the College with the school's main delivery. After this time, it will become a 'late order and delivered at a later date. Orders placed more than 30 days after photo day will incur a late order handling fee.
Upcoming reminders …
- NAPLAN tests continue in Week 7 for Years 7 and 9 students
- The College Tennis Championships will be held on Monday 17 March at Broulee.
- Session 1: Parent Teacher Evening – Tuesday 18 March, 3.30-7.00pm held at the College.
- Year 10 vaccinations will be held on Wednesday 19 March.
- The Year 11 Chemistry excursion in Sydney takes place on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 March.
- We celebrate Harmony Day on Friday 21 March.
- Week 8: Year 11 VET Work Placement.
- The CECG netball championships take place on Tuesday 25 March.
- We will be having a College assembly on Tuesday 25 March.
- Session 2: Parent Teacher Evening – Tuesday 25 March, 3.30-7.00pm held at the College.
- The Year 4 sacramental retreat day will be held on Wednesday 26 March.
- Thursday 27 March: Year 8 Medieval Roadshow
- Thursday 27 March to Friday 28 March – Senior Art Excursion in Sydney.
- The Eurobodalla Youth Committee meeting will be held on Thursday 27 March.
Mrs Sandra Harris
Administration Coordinator
I am a very nice person who loves a conversation
I enjoy playing drums
I enjoy striving for success.
Orange is my favourite colour
I hate mushrooms (they’re a fungus)
My family is the most important thing to me
I am terrible at parking, especially a reverse parallel park.
Business Manager
Wellbeing Coordinator
Last Wednesday afternoon, Year 7 students and 30 Year 11 leaders embarked on an exciting adventure to Lake Tabourie. Upon arrival at the campsite, we set up our tents and were treated to a delicious vegetarian nachos dinner to mark Ash Wednesday, which was prepared by Mrs Dalgleish and our hospitality students.
The evening concluded with a massive group game inspired by capture the flag, beginning with everyone together for some friendly competition. Day two was packed with fun-filled activities, including beach games, arts and crafts, and team challenges that was full of school spirit. Despite the wet weather on the final day, we made sure we made the most of our time having fun in the rain. Over the three days, on behave of the Year 11 leaders we really did enjoy forming such a strong bond and connection between the Year 7s, which made the camp such an amazing experience. It was such a wonderful opportunity for leadership, teamwork and fun!
Being a leader at the Year 7/11 camp was an incredible experience. It was so much fun working as a team with the new students and reliving the memories from when we were in Year 7. We remember being in their shoes, and it was amazing to see all the different personalities that made up our groups. Everyone enjoyed the many activities like Bondi Rescue, and the Year 7s were so engaged and competitive, each trying their best to help our team win. I will always remember camp, and I encourage everyone to try and be a Year 11 leader when they get the chance.
Charlotte Welsh and George Gilbo
Year 11
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Our dedicated Sport Coaching students have recently completed their First Aid course as part of their certificate. This comprehensive training gives our future coaches the critical skills needed to ensure athlete safety on and off the field. The course covered essential topics such as assessing emergency situations, CPR and defibrillator use, managing injuries like sprains and fractures, and allergies. Upon completion, they received nationally recognised certification, enhancing their coaching credentials.
NSW White Card
A NSW White Card Course will be held here at the college on Tuesday 25 March.
The NSW White Card course is a requirement to work in the Construction Industry. It will cover the basic WHS knowledge required prior to commencing work tasks within any of the building sectors. This course requires the ability to demonstrate personal awareness of Work Health & Safety (WHS) legislative requirements. It covers the topics required to demonstrate the knowledge and skills to work safely in the construction industry.
Students must be 14 years old at the time of sitting the course and have their USI.
If this is something you don't already have and are interested in doing, please register in the VET/Careers Office (next to Pastoral).
Cost: $110 - paid through Compass
Did You Know?
VET in Schools programs allow students to earn credits towards their Senior Secondary Certificate while gaining industry-recognised qualifications. This dual benefit enables students to combine academic studies with practical skills, providing a head start in their chosen career path. Many students use these qualifications to transition smoothly into apprenticeships, further education, or directly into the workforce.
Charles Sturt University Advantage (Early Offer)
With the Charles Sturt Advantage you can get a guaranteed spot at Charles Sturt University in your course before you sit your final exams.
Applications opened on February 7, 2025.
More information can be found at
Australian National University (Early Offer)
ANU is opening their Direct Entry Program for potential 2025 undergraduate students.
Applications opened: 3 March 2025
Applications close: 15 May 2025
Offers released: 4 September 2025
For more information and applications: See link attached.
Australian National University Open Day
Don't just imagine it. Experience your future at ANU Open Day.
What to expect:
- Dive deeper into degrees at information sessions.
- Connect with experts and students at the Study Options Expo.
- Take a campus tour.
- Explore student accommodation.
- Wander around the campus and discover our welcoming community.
Register at:
Mrs Amy Dalgleish
VET/Careers Coordinator
Congratulations to all students who represented the college at the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Swimming Carnival.
Special mention to the following students:
Michaela Fitzpatrick - 1st in 100m breaststroke, 1st 50m freestyle, 1st 50m butterfly, 1st 100m butterfly, 2nd 50m breaststroke, 3rd 100m freestyle and Runner up 16 Years Female Age Champion.
Darcy Fitzpatrick - 3rd in 200m freestyle, 3rd 100m backstroke and 2nd 100m butterfly. Special mention too for competing in all of the events!
Ky Nelson - 3rd 50m breaststroke
Kobi Buechner - 2nd 200m freestyle
Madison Cowley - 3rd 100m backstroke
Spencer Smith - 2nd 100m backstroke and 1st 50m backstroke
Cooper Cassidy - 3rd 50m freestyle
Jake Price - 2nd 50m breaststroke and 2nd 100m breaststroke
PB's from Madi, Lila, Felicity, Kobi, Leo, Taylah and Darcy!
Michaela, Spencer and Jake will now represent the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn at the NSWCCC Swimming Championships at Homebush in April.
Congratulations to Henry Allen who has been selected for the Southern AFL team to play at the NSWCCC trials in Wagga Wagga on the 5th and 6th of May.
Congratulations to Jacob Borg and Lincon Smith who were selected in the Archdiocesan Canberra/Goulburn U/15 Touch Football team to trial in Wagga on 1 April.
Congratulations Tyler Cooper and Charlotte Welsh who were selected in the NSWCCC Southern Country U/18 soccer team.

Year 8 Math Challenge at Mogo Wildlife Park
On a warm and sunny day, our Year 8 students embarked on an exciting Math Challenge at Mogo Wildlife Park. This unique learning experience combined problem-solving with wildlife encounters, making for a memorable and engaging day outside the classroom.
Students demonstrated excellent teamwork, applying their mathematical skills to a range of challenges set throughout the park. The enthusiasm was evident, with some teams showing an especially competitive spirit as they raced to complete the tasks.
As a reward for their hard work, the winners of the morning session enjoyed a special giraffe or deer feeding experience. This included Hayley and Ava, Isla and Indi, Jaxson and Noah, Kobi and Axel, Hayley and Claire, Parker and Indi, Alice, Charlotte and Lachlan, Noah and Alex, Torah and Harper.
However, the ultimate champions of the day—those who successfully completed all challenges—Molly and Caprice, were treated to an unforgettable meerkat encounter!
A huge congratulations to all students for their positive attitude and participation. Your teamwork and problem-solving skills truly shone! A special thank you to the Year 8 teachers—Mrs Maher, Mrs Zutt, Ms Montgomery, and Miss Blackmore—as well as our dedicated CSAs, Janet and Victoria, for their support in making this day a success.
Despite the warm weather, it was a fantastic day enjoyed by all. Well done, Year 8!

Mrs Kym Millikin
Maths Coordinator
2025 Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards
The Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards (Dorothea's) seek to capture the imaginations of school students across Australia, inspiring them to express their thoughts and feelings through the medium of poetry in their pursuit of literary excellence.
Our poets are encouraged to take inspiration from wherever they may find it, however if they are looking for some direction, they are invited to use this year’s optional theme to inspire their entries.
“All the beautiful things” has been selected as the 2025 theme.
As always, it is an optional theme. Students are encouraged to write about topics and experiences that spark their poetic genius.