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- HSC Music Evening
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- Wellbeing Wednesday
- Chisholm Captains
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Dear Parents, Students and Friends
Yesterday marked R U OK? Day, a national day of action that provides an opportunity to engage with the values of R U OK?
Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:
- Ask R U OK?
- Listen
- Encourage action
- Check in
Ms Boller organised some wonderful activities for students for R U OK Day. The Hub was a hive of activity and chatter, and we were lucky to also have Maggie join us from Headspace with her 'Wheel of Wellness". Thank you!
Congratulations to our Year 12 student musicians who performed on Wednesday evening. The HSC Music Showcase featured performances from Emma Brown, Macy Follett, Michael Aitken and Samantha Ellis. Students performed for their families in preparation for their HSC practical exam which will take place next Thursday. Performances were outstanding!
Congratulations to music teachers, Mrs Ros Maher, Mrs Teagan Lomax and Mr Matt King. A special mention also to Year 11 students, Brooklyn Briggs and Isabella Syne who are accompanying Year 12 with their musical items and have spent so much of their own time rehearsing to provide the best outcome for Year 12 (even in the middle of their own exams!). Also, to Liam Hopman who coordinated lighting on Wednesday evening as part of his Entertainment course. An impressive evening was enjoyed by all!
Commissioning Ceremony for new Student Leadership Team (SLT)
Congratulations to our new Student Leadership Team who were commissioned this week. We look forward to witnessing their achievements and celebrating the positive changes they will bring to our college.
To our outgoing leadership team, we say thank you and extend our deepest gratitude. Their contributions have set a high standard and have paved the way for their successors. Their legacy is not just in the projects they completed or the events they organised but in the spirit of service and the example they have set. We wish them every success for the future!
College Captains |
College Vice Captains Outgoing - Michael Aitken and Alyssa Harajli Incoming - Archie Cockram and Erin Drewsen |
Social Justice Captains |
Indigenous Captains Outgoing - Sarmaya Te-Kowhai, Rhianna Brierley and Sam Ellis Incoming - Marlee Bennett, Robert Slockee and Savannah McGann |
Chisholm Captains Outgoing - Evie Theodore and Shelby Henderson Incoming - Akin Suksing and Kira Pendlebury |
MacKillop Captains Outgoing - Finn Love and Ashlianne Sharp Incoming - Marissa McDonald and Keira Sharp |
Xavier Captains Outgoing - Luke Gallen and Maxine Leth Incoming - Will Dallas and Kehlei Cowan |
University Early Entry
Congratulations to the following students who have received a university offer to date. A wonderful achievement!
Sophie Billett UOW - Bachelor of Primary Education UOW - Bachelor of Primary Education/MasterofAutismandNeurodivergent Studies Notre Dame - Bachelor of Primary Education (Primary) |
Ivy Birss UOW - Bachelor of Secondary Education (Health and Physical Education) UOW - Bachelor of Business |
Maddison Bull UOW - Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Communication and Media UOW - Bachelor of Criminolgy |
Chloe Dunn UOW - Bachelor of Social Science UOW - Bachelor of Exercise Science |
Samantha Ellis UOW - Bachelor of Arts UOW - Bachelor of Secondary Education (Health and Physical Education) |
Sophie Billett ANU - Bachelor of Business Administration |
Macy Follett ANU - Bachelor of Design |
Jemma Franzen Buckley UOW - Bachelor of Social Science (Pathway to Primary Education |
Freddie Friskin UOW - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Science (Physics) UOW - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Mathematics |
Johanna Green UOW - Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science and Health UOW- Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences |
Angie Marie UOW - Bachelor of Criminology UOW-Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Social Science (Criminology) ANU- Bachelor of Criminology |
Alyssa Harajli UOW - Bachelor of Social Science |
Amelia Harding UOW - Bachelor of Business |
Shelby Henderson |
Eloise Hick UOW - Bachelor of Exercise Science and Rehabilitation UOW - Bachelor of Nutrition Science |
Taylah Hopman UOW - Bachelor of Marine Science UOW - Bachelor of Education (The Early Years) |
Ashley Jelfs UOW - Bachelor of Social Science UOW - Bachelor of Medical Health Sciences |
Grace Johnston |
Emily King UOW - Bachelor of Social Science (Pathway to Primary Education) UOW - Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business |
Maxine Leth UOW - Bachelor of Secondary Education (Health and Physical Education) UOW - Bachelor of Primary Education |
Ella Mannion UOW - Bachelor of Marine Science UOW - Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts) |
Emma Penberthy ANU - Bachelor of Medical Science |
Emma Phelan UOW - Bachelor of Social Science UOW - Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) |
Charlotte Schofield UOW - Bachelor of Criminology UOW - Bachelor of Business ANU - Bachelor of Criminology |
Ashlianne Sharp UOW - Bachelor of Nursing UOW - Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences |
Tahlia Stjepanovic ANU - Bachelor of Law and Communication Media Macquarie - Bachelor of Law |
Jessica Ta UOW - Bachelor of Criminolgy UOW - Bachelor of International Studies UNSW- Bachelor of Law |
Katie Tegel UOW- Bachelor of Business UOW - Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)/Bachelor of Business |
Evie Theodore UOW - Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences UOW - Bachelor of Business Bond - Bachelor of Biomedicine |
Sarah Tuckwell UOW - Bachelor of Nursing UOW - Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences |
Charlotte Wood UOW - Bachelor of Nursing |
Jasper Ziino ANU - Bachelor of Arts |
CSPA Parent Survey on Student Wellbeing and Learning
Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA) are collaborating with the University of New England (UNE) to conduct a national study on student wellbeing and learning. They are aiming to collect evidence through a survey from a broad sample of parents and carers of children attending Catholic schools in Australia.
The survey will be open until the end of October. Results will be used to report to the Federal Government and Catholic Education. I encourage families to participate in the survey. See details below.
With respect and encouragement to you.
Jacqueline Heffernan
‘Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’ (John 8:12)
Assistant Principal - Curriculum, Learning and Innovation
Dear Carroll Community, this fortnight I would like to focus on the preliminary exams, and particularly last-minute examination preparation for our students.
What do you do if you have left your study until the last minute? In an ideal world, it would be great if all students paid attention, focused and participated in all classes, completed all homework and assessments thoroughly, asked for help throughout the year on anything they didn’t understand, made regular summaries of the work covered in class (preferably at the end of each topic or section) and did their best to learn as they go throughout the year. But in reality, this doesn’t always happen for every student and every subject. So what can you do if you have left your study for tests and exams to the last minute?
- CLARIFY YOUR FOCUS: Before you dive into your study materials, take a moment to identify what topics and concepts will be tested. Reach out to your teachers or classmates if you're unsure about any specifics. Understanding the exam format and question style will guide your study strategy. Create a checklist of subjects and topics you need to cover, ensuring you're not leaving anything out.
- GATHER MATERIALS: Do you have notes, materials, and textbooks on everything you need to learn? If not, is there a friend who can forward you the resources you have misplaced? Is there an online portal where material from classes is stored? Can you borrow from the library additional books or textbooks on the topics you need to learn? Are past examination papers available?
- DRAFT A STUDY PLAN: You only have limited time left so you need to make the most of it. Draw up a grid that shows how much time you have left before your exams to study. Decide if you will spend equal time on each subject or if certain subjects need more time. Allocate subjects to the timeslots you have then decide exactly what you will do to prepare for each subject. For each subject list what sort of study you should do to prepare for that subject. Brainstorm your ideas on how to prepare, ask your parents and teachers for feedback, and share ideas with your friends.
- CREATE STUDY NOTES: Target your notes to what will be tested. It is best for learning and memory to make your study notes yourself, but if you have run out of time there are options. See if any of your class materials or textbooks have summarised the sections you need, see if there are study guides available in the library on the topics to learn, or make targeted notes yourself on the key areas you have to memorise. You could also see if there is a friend where you could split the topics between yourself and share the notes you make. Don’t spend too long on this stage, it needs to be completed as quickly as possible.
- STUDY! What does study actually mean? It means memorising the material you need to know so you can recall it in the exams, and practising the skills of the subject so you know how to do the types of questions you will have in the exam. To memorise your notes you need to test yourself over and over on them. You could read a section, see what you can write down without looking then check. Then review the things you didn’t know again. Or you could do the same approach reading things out loud and then seeing what you can repeat out loud. Doing questions, practise essays, past exam questions will also help you understand what you know, and what you need to spend more time on.
Remember, the key is to get started. Procrastination won't serve you well at this point. Embrace the challenge, and you'll be surprised at how much you can accomplish when you're focused and determined. Your ability to absorb and apply information quickly is stronger than you think. Finally, I’m a firm believer that:
Year 11 2025 Subject Selection Update
Review Your 2025 Year 11 Pattern of Study
This week, Year 10 students received an email detailing their 2025 Year 11 pattern of study. Attached to this newsletter is the "2025 Year 11 Lines" document which outlines the codes, subjects, and lines.
If you are satisfied with your current pattern of study, no further action is required. You will study these subjects next year.
However, if your selected units do not total 12 or 13 units, you will need to choose an additional subject. Due to the subject selection process and the development of the lines, not all preferences can be accommodated so adjustments may be necessary. Please refer to your pattern of study and the attached document to ensure you have a subject selected for each line.
To make any changes to your pattern of study, you can either email me at or visit me in my office during the AM break over the next two weeks.
I look forward to assisting you with the next steps in the subject selection process and wish all our Year 11 students every success during the preliminary exams, and Year 12 students next term for the HSC examinations.
Andrew Kenneally
Assistant Principal Curriculum, Learning and Innovation
Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care
Congratulations and Thank you
Opportunities for student leadership abound at Carroll College. This week we thanked our 2024 Student Leadership Team for their contribution and commissioned the new team for 2025. During the ceremony our new College Captains Emily Borg and Joshua Nguyen gave their first address to the students, staff, parents and friends that were present.
The text of their speech is below and I am sure you will agree that they represent a bright future for leadership at the college.
Good Morning Mrs Heffernan, esteemed guests, staff and students. Welcome to the commissioning ceremony for the future 2025 SLT, standing here are your prospective college captains, we are Josh Nguyen and Emily Borg. It is such an honour to have received this position and we are extremely grateful for this opportunity.
As the term comes to a near end and year 12 are looking forward to their HSC, we would like to congratulate and appreciate the effort and dedication of the 2024 SLT, under the leadership of Macy and Liam and the qualities they have brought to the school. With their knowledge and skills, the SLT have further developed the college into a proud and wonderful community where people feel like they belong.
Macy and Liam, together with your team we have seen the number of incredible events that you have presented for us here at the college. Ranging from the morning tea for World Teachers Day, the SLT Bake Sale during the Year 11 Carroll Carnival and most importantly the recent assembly on Respect. It has inspired us to fulfil the role as leaders which you have modelled consistently throughout this year. With that said, we thank you for your contributions and we will aim to carry on the commitment and the efforts displayed by all of the members in the 2024 Student leadership team.
As we bid a heartfelt farewell to the current SLT and wish them all the best, we also embrace the opportunity that this new journey brings. As the newly elected leaders of CCB, we would like to acknowledge the new Student Leadership Team which Emily and I are excited to work with for the upcoming year. The remarkable individuals who stand here as your new leaders bring to you new opportunities, perspectives and experiences, with a desire to foster and uphold the college spirit. We are striving to be respectful role models and to build the community into a place of warmth and companionship.
For the year to come, our aim as leaders is to work alongside staff and students in taking on the duty of service - contributing towards a cohesive school community. By valuing the virtues and morals of our Broulee ABCs and to live through them in dignity. Highlighting that our main focus in service is to be the person which you can consolidate your concerns with, share your ideas with and to be someone who you can rely on.
Finally, together with Erin, Archie, Marlee, Savannah, Robert, Angus, Brooklyn, Kira, Akin, Marissa, Keira, Will and Kehlei - We are excited to cultivate with staff and students in continuing the legacy left behind the 2024 SLT. We aspire to represent the school with pride, be a beacon of your ideas and most importantly, to support you.
Thank you everyone, we look forward to the year ahead.
Batemans Bay Youth Foundation - Attention All Year 12 students
If you intend to study at University, TAFE, a Tertiary Institution or take up an Apprenticeship or Traineeship in 2025, you need to consider a Batemans Bay Youth Foundation Grant?
Grants of up to $3,500 are available to help you with the cost of commencing your tertiary studies.
Details about how to apply are available on their website
Applications close 30 November 2024.
If you have a Year 12 child, please encourage them to submit an application.
Child Safety
Last week I attended the Child Safe Advocate meeting in Canberra. To start the day Archbishop Christopher Prowse visited the meeting to affirm the work that is being done in all of our schools to look after the safety and wellbeing of our students. Our agenda included presentations by the NSW Police, a representative from the eSafety Commissioner focussed on keeping our children safe in online environments, updates on current trends from the CECG Child Protection Manager, along with important information about school accreditation, registration and compliance with the Child Safe Standards. Attending these meetings is an important part of my role to ensure we are providing best practice for our students and families.
Eurobodalla Youth Committee – Thank you
The Eurobodalla Youth Committee is a volunteer activity for youth across the region run by the Eurobodalla Council. The committee aims to ensure that youth voice is heard and activities for youth are offered.
Chloe Tyrrell of Year 12 has been an active member of the Youth Council for several years. We would like to thank her for her service. I know that the team from the Council will miss her great ideas and active participation in a wide range of events.
R U OK? Day - 12 September 2024
The annual campaign is a national day of action highlighting the importance of meaningful conversations. In 2024, R U OK? is calling on everyone to Ask R U OK? Any Day because life happens every day.
R U OK? encourages Australians to check in with others all year around. Recent research commissioned by R U OK? found that people who are regularly asked if they are okay feel more supported, connected and cared about.
Our college acknowledged this significant day that focuses on mental health issues and the role we can all play in checking in and supporting each other. From our shared morning prayer to discussion in Homerooms, visual displays around the college, wearing yellow ribbons and participating in a range of activities, students were encouraged to look, listen and act to support each other both at school and in their communities. During AM break, the Hub was a hive of activity and chatter, and we were lucky to also have Maggie join us from Headspace with her 'Wheel of Wellness".
Thank you to Ms Boller, Mrs Ciuffetelli and the students who organised the activities.

Academic Care
The Academic Care program for this week is listed below.
Year 7 – Wellio - ‘Managing unhealthy and toxic relationships’
Year 8 – Wellio - Conflict Resolution
Year 9 – Wellio - Harmful Stereotypes
Year 10 – Read articles and discussed a recent study that found most Year 10 students are unsatisfied with their lives with a direct link to social media and the Government push to limit the age at which social media accounts are accessed. This was linked with the Wellio lesson – ‘Living with Purpose’
Year 11 - Preliminary Examinations began
Year 12 - Lifelong Growth Mindset
Parents and carers are encouraged to have a conversation with their child about the focus for this week and what this means for their wellbeing.
Kind regards
Mrs Louise Ibbett
Assistant Principal – Pastoral Care
The Religious Education Department has been a hive of activity this term, engaging students in meaningful experiences that extend beyond the classroom. One of the standout initiatives has been our participation in Operation Christmas Child, a global outreach program that brings joy and hope to children in need around the world.
Students and staff have come together to pack shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies, hygiene items, and notes of greeting. This collaborative effort aims not only to contribute essential items to those less fortunate but has also instilled a deeper understanding of compassion and generosity in our students.
Beyond this initiative, the department has been busy organising retreats, workshops, masses and community service projects. These activities aim to enrich the students' spiritual lives and encourage them to put their faith into action.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the families and community members who have supported our efforts. As we move forward, the Religious Education Department remains committed to providing opportunities that foster personal growth and a stronger connection to our global community. We encourage everyone to continue supporting our programs and look forward to the positive changes we can achieve together.
Catholic Faith Handbook
Mrs Anna Smart
Religious Education Coordinator
Admin Updates
Year 11 and 12 Student Absences
As we approach the end of the term, I would like to remind parents about completing their child's absence justifications. Years 11 to 12 reports will be distributed at the end of Term 3 and explained absences ensure your child’s attendance records are accurate and reported correctly.
To complete your child's absence reports:
- Log in to your Sentral Parent Portal
- Navigate to the Absences section
- Review your unexplained absences and provide a brief explanation for each.
Parents can review their child’s attendance records by selecting their child's profile and navigating to Attendance.
Spaghetti Trigonometry
Last week, the Year 10A Maths class embarked on a unique mathematical journey. They used spaghetti to create the three trigonometric curves. This engaging exercise reinforced their understanding of trigonometric functions and allowed them to visualise and physically model the Sine, Cosine, and Tangent functions.
The students were given graph paper, rulers, the unit circle and uncooked spaghetti to mark key points of the functions. Once these points were identified, the students used spaghetti strands to connect the dots, forming the curves of the sine, cosine, and tangent functions.
This hands-on approach allowed them to see how the functions behaved over a cycle, with the spaghetti visually representing the smooth, continuous nature of trigonometric curves. It also offered an opportunity to discuss the important features of these functions.
Student Reflections
What connection can you make between the unit circle and the trig graphs you have seen?
Tan doesn't have an answer for 90 degrees (Miki)
The unit circle can be used to graph the sine, cosine and tangent functions. By drawing lines vertically and horizontally on the right-angled triangles we could graph the different trig ratios as a continuous wave. (Lukas)
The length of the opposite side of every 15 degrees is the height of the spaghetti we made for the sine graph. The length of the adjacent side of every 15 degrees is the height of the spaghetti for the cosine graph. (Emily)
On the sine graph, anything on the positive y-axis will always be on top of the line whereas everything on the negative y-axis is on the bottom underneath the line. (Cooper)
Name and describe one of the trigonometric graph features that will help you recognise it.
The sine graph intersects the axis at 0 and 180 degrees and peaks at 90 degrees (Arielle)
The cosine graph was recognisable as it starts at 1 at 0 degrees then goes down to 0 at 90 degrees and reaches -1 at 180 degrees, goes back up to 0 at 270 degrees and finally reaches 1 again at 360 degrees (Charley)
The sine graph starts at zero. (Oscar)
On the tan graph, at 90 degrees and 270 degrees, the line will not ever touch the x-axis, therefore it is easy to identify as it will have a dotted line at 90 and 270 degrees. (Chelsea)

This week's reminders
- Year 11 exams continue into Week 9 from Monday 16 September to Thursday 19 September.
- On Friday 20 September, Year 9 students will participate in their pastoral day.
- Year 10 has their Y2K24 Showdown day on the College oval on Monday 23 September.
- On Tuesday 24 September, Year 12 students are invited to join their teachers for breakfast from 7.30am in the senior courtyard.
- The Year 12 Graduation Mass and Assembly will be held at St Bernard’s Church on Tuesday 24 September at 5.00pm.
- On Wednesday 25 September, the Year 12 Farewell assembly will take place, followed by a luncheon.
- The last day of Term 3 is Thursday 26 September.
- Friday 27 September is a pupil-free day.
- School resumes for Term 4 on Tuesday 15 October.
Mrs Sandra Harris
Administration Coordinator
Business Manager

CAPA Coordinator

Pastoral Assistant
Calling for Parent and Carer Assistance at Red Gate Farm Working Bee!
The agriculture students at Carroll College have been making remarkable progress in developing the new fencing and gates at Red Gate Farm. Their dedication and hard work have been evident as they have taken on the challenging task of deconstructing the old farm infrastructure, paving the way for a more efficient and sustainable agricultural environment.
Despite the challenges of keeping the garden beds growing while the building and deconstructing have been happening, the students have successfully produced carrots and snow peas over the cooler months, which is a testament to their skills.
The arrival of spring has brought with it ideal weather conditions that have greatly aided the students in their efforts. With sunny skies and mild temperatures, the team has been able to work diligently, ensuring that the project stays on track. Their teamwork and commitment to excellence are commendable, and it's inspiring to see how they have embraced this hands-on learning experience.
As the old fencing is removed and new gates are installed, the students are not just enhancing the physical layout of the farm, they are also learning invaluable skills that will benefit them in their future agricultural endeavours. The project stands as a testament to their hard work and the supportive environment fostered by our school.
To further support the students' efforts and accelerate the progress of the project, we are calling upon parents and carers to assist in an upcoming working bee at Red Gate Farm. Your participation and expertise will be greatly appreciated as we work together to build the necessary infrastructure for the farm's continued success.
We are excited to welcome a new goat, Gretel, a Nigerian cross who has settled in well. We look forward to building the new chicken hutch and pen so our new silkies can finally start their lives as the school show chickens!
As we look ahead, we are eager to see the completed gates, garden beds, and animal shelters, which will not only improve the functionality of the farm but also serve as a symbol of the students' exceptional efforts and the bright future of our agriculture at Carroll College. We are seeking volunteers to join us on a Working Bee to aid in some of the above tasks, in particular Carpenters and Concreters. If you have building expertise and would be able to assist, please email We aim to hold the Working Bee on a weekend, so please provide your availability and we will work around locking in a date.

Mrs Emma Mullins
TAS Coordinator

On Thursday, 5 September there were five girl's teams that participated in the Kezie Apps League Tag day at Mackay Park in Batemans Bay.
The girls ranged from Year 7-10 with each team consisting of 7-9 players. Each team was accompanied by a Year 11 Sport Coaching student who was responsible for getting the girls to their game on time, to the correct location, warming up the team and coaching their team throughout the day. The day consisted of each team playing 3-4 games against schools such as St Peter's, Batemans Bay High School, Narooma High School and Moruya High School.
All teams displayed commendable representation of the college, great team spirit and awesome football skills. A massive thank you to Akin Suksin, Ryan Johnston, Will Grant, Frank Friskin, Jed Ware and Dylan Walsh for their assistance on the day.
Upcoming Sporting Event
CCC Athletics - 16 September
Mr Charlton Fogarty
Sport Coordinator

Wellbeing Coordinator

A final thankyou from the 2024 Chisholm House Captains
These last 12 months, being a part of the Student Leadership team, have been rewarding, fun and filled with many memories. As House Captains we are proud of what we have achieved as a team with the help of our House Coordinator, Mrs Dell and the Chisholm senior students.
We have thoroughly enjoyed this past year, being able to run events, lead the sporting carnivals and participate in all aspects of college life as the leaders of the school. Some of our best memories were the swimming carnival where Chisholm dressed up as the theme ‘lifeguards’ and the house came together chanting us to victory making Chisholm the overall winners. On Chisholm Day we hosted the first ever ‘Chisholm Chest’ riddle hunt and raised money for Motor Neuron Disease (MND). This was a massive success and something we are very proud of, we hope this will be our legacy that will be continued each year.
We would like to thank the College Community for their engagement in all sporting events and their positive attitude towards everything they do, particularly in the high levels of participation which saw Chisholm win both the Swimming and Athletics carnivals. To the newly appointed Captains, Akin and Kira, embrace your role and have fun, we have no doubt you will lead Chisholm to victory next year, good luck! A very special thank you to Mrs Dell (Chisholm House Coordinator) for her support and guidance, and Ms Boller for how much you have done for the SLT. We appreciate you so much and would not have made it through the year without you.
Goodbye and thank you for your support.
Shelby Henderson and Evie Theodore
Chisholm College Captains
Indigenous College Captain
Year 12 - Universities Admission Centre
If you're planning to apply for university through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC), now is the time! The deadline for on-time applications is fast approaching. Submit your application by 30th September to avoid paying higher processing fees.
Students that wish to apply for a university entry through UAC Please see attached timeline for Key Dates.
Interested in studying Teaching or Nursing?
UOW are holding a Taster Event to engage with life on campus.
When: Saturday 21st September, 1 pm - 3 pm
Where: UOW Eurobodalla Campus, Hanging Rock
2024 Moruya Rotary Youth Scholarships
The Moruya Rotary Scholarship is an annual youth scholarship program funded by the Moruya Rotary Club. The purpose of the scholarship program is to provide funding to assist eligible year 12 students, particularly those who would have financial difficulties, to continue their post-school education. Total funding of approximately $4,500 is paid to each successful applicant over the first two years of tertiary study. The final amount of funding provided is determined by the Scholarship Committee.
Applications open from 1 September to 1 November 2024
Students can access more information through the Careers GC page or see Mrs Dalgleish.
Eurobodalla Botanic Gardens Jenny Liney Scholarship
The Friends of the Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden is offering the "Jenny Liney Scholarship" valued at $5000 awarded to a student from the Eurobodalla Shire intending to commence or continue studies in a field related to the natural sciences (botany, environmental studies, horticulture, conservation) in 2025 at either TAFE or university.
Application close: Friday 15th November
Interviews: 14th December
Please see more information in the flyer attached.
Students are encouraged to check the CCB Careers Google Classroom Pages for employment and training opportunities that come through the college.
Please contact the Careers Office at the College for more information or book a time with this QR Code:
Mrs Amy Dalgleish
Careers Coordinator